
Water well design and construction observation


Specifications – One of the most important first steps in properly designing a new water well, is preparing a proper set of technical specifications.

Performance Design -Carefully describing the planned performance of the well, is another critical design component. The discharge volume, along with the duration and pressure at the well head are integral in making selections for the type, and design of the well.

Well Screen and Filter Pack Design – The selection of the type of access structure (louvered well casing vs. rod-based wire-wound screen), and the appropriate filter pack material to surround it is vital to efficiency and long-term operation.

Test Hole Assessment – Drilling a test hole provides an opportunity to collect and assess certain design-critical information, such as formation samples for sieve analysis (screen and filter pack design) and lithologic and geophysical data for screen and seal placement.

Zone Testing for Water Quality – In certain locations, mostly because of water quality concerns (e.g. arsenic, uranium), depth-specific water samples can be collected from an open borehole, through a procedure known as “zone testing”. Zone testing involves constructing a temporary well inside the open borehole, and then collecting a water sample for analysis. This data is useful for selecting or avoiding zones with low or high, respectively, concentrations of constituents of concern.

Construction Observation – During the course of well construction, it is helpful for many clients to have their own trained observer onsite to monitor the compliance of the contractor to the project specifications. Construction observation allows for documentation of compliance or deviation from specifications, but also for preemptive interaction with the contractor.

Well Development Assessment – Properly developing a new water well is one of the most important steps in bringing it online. Development is both a scientific, and intuitive, process of increasing the specific capacity of the well, while reducing the residual plugging from drilling fluids and sediment in the filter pack.