
Water Well rehabilitation


Well Performance Assessments – Assessing the yield, quality, and efficacy with which a well is supplying water is the initial step in most successful well rehabilitation efforts.

Video Camera Logging and Assessment – Downhole video logging allows for a visual inspection of the interior of the well casing and screen. Furthermore, it allows for assessments of structural integrity, and the presence of mineral or biological encrustation.

Well Hydraulics Assessments – Specific pumping tests can reveal losses in well yield and decreased specific capacity, which can be indicators of chemical or biological fouling of the well screen.

Biologic Assessments -Naturally occurring bacteria can sometimes take hold in a well, and begin fouling the well screen such that little to know water is produced, or the quality is impaired. Analyzing samples of well water specifically for such things as ATP, and speciating the bacteria present can all aid in designing a more effective rehabilitation program.

Mechanical Cleaning – These are the techniques used to remove scale, biological build-up encrustations. They are also used in some cases to redevelop the well, or to clear debris or sediment that has accumulated in the screened section of the well.

Chemical Cleaning – Certain chemicals, mostly acids and polymers, are used to enhance the cleaning of the well, and the removal of both chemical/mineral and biological scale and build-up. The chemicals used are food grade, and closely monitored and controlled, with safety having the highest priority.

Pulse Technology Operations – Recent technology has introduced a variety of technologies, that rely upon the creation of some kind of acoustic or pressure (or both) to remove encrustations and build-up. Explosives, and now gas pulse technologies are being used in place of chemical treatments in many instances.